On the 8th of February 2016, Ségolène Royal launched a new tender process for biomass, common to both sectors “wood energy” and “anaerobic digestion”, over 3 years, on a volume of 10 MW per year for biogas and 50 MW per year for the “wood energy” segment, with 10 MW reserved for smaller (less than 3 MW) projects.
The tender is open only to wood energy installations of less than 25 MW and biogas plants under 5 MW and imposes energy efficiency by at least 75% and the use of wood from sustainable forests, to reduce the impact of biomass use on the environment. The high efficiency cogeneration is supported substantially. Regarding the methane, it is necessary that the projects do not create “conflicts of use with agricultural land” and the government promotes the use of livestock manure.
Applicants have six months to submit their applications: the online platform will close August 8, 2016, and winners will be announced by the end of the year. This is the energy regulatory commission that will instruct the files. This tender is a major support from the government for business loans and project carriers to invest in sustainable energy transition. It is hoped that some of the projects will see the installation of new heating systems!