Singapore’s latest venture is to build a new city, with underground roads for electric vehicles, vacuum garbage collection, and plenty of city farms. The newest and greenest community in this remarkable island state will be called Tengah under ambitious plans ...
Browsing the Understanding District Heating
Creating artificial islands to store energy in Helsinki
A revolutionary man-made island project has been designed by Carlo Ratti and his team as part of the Helsinki Energy Challenge. The aim of the project is to create both new tourist destinations and, more importantly, to store energy. The ...
Using radioactive decay to power heating networks
An innovative solution involving radioactive decay has been developed by researchers at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen and the Czech Technical University in Prague. The radical new solution proposed by the Czech research team uses the heat produced ...
Cardiff announces plans for new district heating network
A new waste recovery system for the city of Cardiff has just been installed and could soon be used to heat public and commercial buildings with a district heating network. The new project is a 30 MW waste recovery and ...
The A to Z of Energy saving certificates
The system of certificates for energy saving heating networks (CEE), introduced in France under the POPE law of 13 July 2005 in the context of the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol, aims to achieve energy savings in many sectors such as in construction, ...
DHC News Guide to cooling networks
Cooling network of Hammarbyverket Cooling networks are installed in order to ensure user comfort in summer, and are dedicated to the transportation and distribution of “negative calories” – by opposition to the calories of heat networks, you know: we have ...
DHC guide to trigeneration
The heat from trigeneration network is used to produce, simultaneously and in the same place, heat, cold and electricity and send it to the user. But how does it work? What are the advantages of this solution? Are there disadvantages? ...
DHC guide to trigeneration
A trigeneration network is designed to simultaneously produce heating, cooling and electricity in the same place and send it to the user. But how does it work? What are the advantages of this solution? Are there disadvantages? DHC News tells ...
Veolia helping transform waste in London
Doing more with less, this could be the motto of the London Borough of Southwark, where waste is an energy resource thus helping to both reduce the amount of waste and increase the recycling rate! Veolia, the French transnational ...
Presenting Nordic Efficiency in Paris
Danfoss is one of the leading players in district energy solutions that will present their know-how and future smart technologies at the Nordic Efficiency event in Paris next week. The company claims that their solutions help increase energy efficiency in ...