On the 8th of February 2016, Ségolène Royal launched a new tender process for biomass, common to both sectors “wood energy” and “anaerobic digestion”, over 3 years, on a volume of 10 MW per year for biogas and 50 MW per ...
Browsing the District Heating News
Sweden – top for district heating in 2014
At the end of 2015, Sweden released, through its Energy Agency, the figures relating to the origin of heating products and hot water. The data reveals that, as usual, Scandinavia has a head start on the rest of the world ...
Heating networks, the saviours of data centres?
An article published on the Independent’s website (http://www.independent.co.uk/) in late January noted that the consumption of data centres was rising exponentially and that, if it is not properly controlled, it could risk spiralling out of our control. Data centers are ...
Greenchannel use crowdfunding for energy tranisiton
Engie the group announced that on February 5 the launch of the crowdfunding platform (crowdfunding) GreenChannel. This online platform, like all other platforms of crowdfunding, allow citizens to invest in projects that they like. Only this time, it’s that this ...
Sweden unveils largest heating network
Sweden officially opened last December a new 29 km long section of pipes for a district heating network, which will connect the three heating networks of Lund, Helsingborg and Landskrona, bringing the total network length to 90 km. This extension ...
Biomass: France experiencing supply chain difficulties
68 Mtoe: according to EurObserv’ER Institute, this is the consumption of heat from biomass in the EU. Wood, the main component of biomass, is a credible renewable energy as part of the European-wide policy of responsible energy consumption through district ...
Copenhagen: an exemplary heating network
DHC News continues its European tour of district heating networks and this time we will feature the Danish capital, Copenhagen. In Copenhagen, district heating supplies over 90% of the city’s buildings! This feat is made possible by strong public opinion ...
Copenhagen: an exemplary heating network?
DHC News continues its European tour of heat networks and put this time salutes the Danish capital. In Copenhagen district heating supplies over 90% of the buildings! A feat made possible by strong public demand and a dense network of ...
Starting a career in DHC
Thinking of a career in heating networks? Efficient, effective and environmentally responsible, heating networks are constantly developing right across Europe. Paradoxically, the industry is still struggling to recruit on certain trades. Is district heating a real career opportunity? District heating, ...
Amsterdam: soon to have a City-zen heating network
Continuing our tour of Europe, following on from Helsinki and Gothenburg, DHC News takes you to discovery the heating network of the capital of the Netherlands, Amsterdam. The city’s District heating network, currently powered by heat from a treatment and ...