The city of Bristol, the largest city in the southwest of England, is aiming to become carbon neutral through the approval of an initial investment of 5 million pounds towards building a carbon neutral district heating network. The construction of ...
Browsing the District Heating News
New joint venture for British DHC networks
A new British district heating joint venture was announced just last week by two of the industry leaders, Peel Energy and Vital Energi. The two companies will thus form an ESCo (Energy Services Company) to continue the development of a ...
New biomass cogeneration plant in Stockholm
The port of Värtan, Stockholm, finished work on a new biomass cogeneration plant last month. The plant, which is due to start production in the autumn, is expected to use wood waste and forest residues, at a rate of up ...
Nordic Heat Masterclass – Communication Strategies in District energy
Nordic Heat, a non-profit association aiming to help the newcomers in the DHC Industry by transferring the Scandinavian District Heating experience to new markets, is inviting people to a Master Class named “Communication Strategies in District Energy. The aim of ...
Nordic Heat Masterclass – Heat Networks Level 2
Following the “Heat Networks Level 1” Masterclass held in December 2015 in Harelbeke, Belgium, Nordic Heat is now inviting registrations for the Heat Networks Level 2 Masterclass. The event will focus on technical aspects available to increase the competitivity of ...
University of Northampton complete work on new DHC network
As the University of Northampton prepares to move into its new premises, the university is also set to take advantage of its new heating network. The network, which is 1600 metres long, will supply the entire campus with hot water ...
Work begins on new biogas heating network
Monday the 11th of April saw the first pipe being laid for the biogas heating network in Pont-à-Mousson. This is the first time in the region a heating network will be supplied by the 85% renewable gas. Engie-Cofely and Suez were selected to ...
France’s largest biomass heating network
The CPCU (Compagnie Parisienne de Chauffage Urbain) inaugurated the conversion of the boiler in Saint-Ouen to biomass on March 10, 2016. This represents the largest heating network in France to have converted to biomass, and reached 50% of RE & R. According to the CPCU, ...
SNCU publish report on district heating networks
The National Union of District Heating, in partnership with the Energy Environment Services Federation (FEDENE), commissioned the study Setec Environment Office to conduct a study on the potential of heating networks in France. The brand has recently become available in ...
Sweden releases heating network data
The Swedish Association of district heating networks collects annual data on energy use in the industry and have now made available and published the data for 2014. The latest figures show a net increase of recycled energy from heating networks. ...