An agreement has been signed between Green Edge Compute AS and Statkraft for the construction of a “1 to 5 MW” data center in Trondheim, Norway.The construction of this new data center will mark a first for Green Edge Compute as it will be their first data center to connect to a district heating system.
Green Edge Compute AS is a new Norwegian company specializing in building sustainable urban data centers geared towards smart cities. The installation in Trondheim will thus be a first for the company.

The design for recycling excess heat from the data center to the district heating system came as a result of Statkraft’s R&D activities. Soon, the company hopes to install similar data centers in every major city where it is possible to connect to a district heating system, according to statements made by Green Edge CEO, Svein Olavesen.
A proposal requiring data centers to be able to connect to local district heating systems was presented to the Norwegian government last month. Consequently, Energy Minister Tina Bru wants all companies modernizing or building large energy-consuming factories to know whether they can use their waste heat. Interested parties have until April 14 to respond to the consultation.