There are many different forms of certification for heating networks. These certificates guarantee users a certain level of performance, both in terms of energy and the environment, while the commercial advantages are undeniable. In an effort to provide a bit more clarity in this jungle of certificates, DHC News has selected and revierwed the major certifications.
1 / CSTB Certified
The certification “CSTB Certified” was launched in 2008 by the Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment. It covers pre-insulated pipes for heating networks. It ensures compliance with regulations, ensures quality control from design to installation, specific training for technicians and provides technical assistance for the design and sizing of heating networks. As Thibaud Rousselle from CSTB notes, this certification “offers guaranteed results both for the prescriber and the user and enables manufacturers to reduce their insurance premium .”
2 / LEED
Managed by the Board of the Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC) LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) program is a globally sustainable building projects assessment systems, and this certification also applies to heating networks. The program aims to help to “design, build, manage and evaluate high-performance building” and is subject to certification by an external provider. Since January 2013, more than 100 000 professionals have been certified LEED, four levels: certified, silver, gold and platinum.
Referential “the oldest and most used worldwide,” the BREEAM (BRE Environmental Assessment Method for) is a standard for certification. Sanctioned by a final note, it includes a set of criteria to give developers, designers and all other players in the insurance building to offer a reduced environmental impact in building and construction best practices have been incorporated. It also provides a tool for reducing the future building operating costs and helps to find innovative solutions to minimize the impact on the environment.
4 / HQE
The HQE (High Environmental Quality) was established in the 1990s It applies to the environmental management system (linked in part to the implementation and enforcement of building regulations) and environmental requirements defined at of the implementation of the project. For heating systems, the HQE aims in particular to optimize the conditions for thermal comfort, acoustic, visual and olfactory for end consumers, individuals and professionals.
Famously known, the HQE was issued to many buildings connected to a heating network and / or with heat pumps or cold-groups. This is for example the case of the Incity tower Lyon, who got the comment “very effective” for its heating / cooling performance cogeneration and renewable integration.
5 / Publi-CERT®
The Publi-Cert® delegated certification allows utilities to verify compliance with the standards of sustainable development, to appraise their initiatives and innovations, both for the environmental aspect and socially. This is a certification réseaude interesting heat: it makes it possible to measure the cost / benefit of a DSP (public service delegation) and be evaluated by an independent body the level of performance of a heat network.
The heat and cooling network in Greater Lyon, Elvya, for example, received this certification from the beginning of 2012, with a final grade of A +. For the grant, the firm Arcet Trading relied on an assessment in situ conditions of implementation of services and technical expertise with surveys, data entry and measurement campaigns. This is also the case of the geothermal network Melun, managed by a subsidiary of Dalkia, the STHAL.
6 / Effinergie
The Effinergie association group has for many years several levels of certifications that apply to heating networks: Bepos Effinergie, Effinergie + Effinergie Renovation and BBC Effinergie. These four levels are intended to identify buildings with very low energy requirements contribute to reduce emissions of greenhouse gas by 2050 4.
If it is not directly labeled, the future geothermal heating network of the urban campus of Paris-Saclay should contribute to achieving the Effinergie + label website. hot and cold production will be provided by heat pumps from water at 28 ° C.
Many standards (including ISO 9001, 50001 and OHSAS 18001 140001) also help to ensure that heat networks and linked sites reach a certain level of performance.
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