The British company CogenPower announced that from this month on, one of its plants in Italy would benefit from a 100% automated artificial intelligence system. The 3 MWe / 15 Mwth cogeneration plant, located in Turin, supplies a heat network ...
Browsing the Recent District Heating News
Aarhus – pioneering green DHC network
One of the biggest biomass-fuelled Combined Heat and Power (CHP) stations in the world is in Aarhus. The Studstrup plant began to burn wood pellets instead of coal on 10 October, bringing green heating and electricity to city residents and ...
UK government ready to push DHC networks
The British government is supporting a major push to greatly expand the country’s district heat networks. Ministers set up a “heat network delivery unit” in 2013 to award funding for the development of new schemes, and this week are due ...
Work completed on Poland’s largest waste recovery plant
The Korean company POSCO E & C have this week announced that they have completed work on the largest waste recovery plant in Poland. The plant, located in Krakow, will be able to handle 220,000 tons of household waste annually ...
DHC networks helping combat poverty in Scotland
In addition to their many environmental benefits, district heating networks can now be used in the fight against poverty! This is the startling claim made in a report released by the SSE this week, in a joint publication with the ...
What will Brexit mean for DHC networks?
The announcement of the result of the UK’s referendum on the European Union on the 24th of June has already generated many column inches in the mainstream press and in the press. Here at DHC News we will consider and ...
New joint venture for British DHC networks
A new British district heating joint venture was announced just last week by two of the industry leaders, Peel Energy and Vital Energi. The two companies will thus form an ESCo (Energy Services Company) to continue the development of a ...
University of Northampton complete work on new DHC network
As the University of Northampton prepares to move into its new premises, the university is also set to take advantage of its new heating network. The network, which is 1600 metres long, will supply the entire campus with hot water ...
Work begins on new biogas heating network
Monday the 11th of April saw the first pipe being laid for the biogas heating network in Pont-à-Mousson. This is the first time in the region a heating network will be supplied by the 85% renewable gas. Engie-Cofely and Suez were selected to ...
Spotlight on biomass boiler
While the heating season is over, we will take a look at Engie-Cofely’s biomass boiler in Langres and review the project and the performance. The biomass boiler,which was commissioned last year, fuels a 5.1 km network that supplies 30 sites comprising 1000 residential, commercial ...